Tiger Community Hub
We opened the Tiger Community Hub in April 2022 to provide a place to bring together all our projects as well as other community groups around the county. The aim of the hub is to be a welcoming and safe space in Nottingham City Centre, as well as provide a place for other local community groups to meet and run activities.
We run a variety of daily events in both the activity space and upstairs meeting room. For more info regarding what's on, see our events page.
Opening Times
*Only open alternating Saturdays. For more information please ask in the hub.
Please note hours may vary.
Room Hire
We are able to offer room hire to meet a variety of needs in a city centre location. Our hub is diverse and therefore has space for activities, workshops, meetings and more. Fill in our enquiry form here: https://forms.gle/3GVkr3qW4qAc46vF7